S. J. Little’s Christian Allegory Blog

What follows are bite-sized posts recalling lessons God has taught me through daily life allegories. It is my prayer that you are encouraged by them.

As you read through the content, keep in mind that no allegory is perfect, and that in keeping these posts short I have not gone deep into the theology behind each. They are meant as encouragement and gentle reminders of valuable truths.

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Want to understand what Christianity is all about? Check out Knowing God – the Gospel

Marvel of the Bread Machine – Living the Little Moments Well

  My Bread Machine Recently, I was given a bread machine. I was thrilled to try it out. Making homemade...
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Steady Ready Stance

  How we stand is important. Nearly every sport has a specific ready stance - a way of standing that...
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Beauty From Trials

  I slipped out of the cabin and stepped quietly down the gravel path. Lifting my head to the early...
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The Full Feast

Do I have a full-feast relationship with Jesus? With Christmas day quickly approaching, many of us have food on our...
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Oh, The Irony of It

What to do when we have doubts about God Have you ever noticed how many things in our lives are...
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What Shall I Guard?

A few days ago, I needed to do some spray painting. I gathered old cardboard, the little flower pots I...
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Fog Illuminates the Spider Webs

  A few years back, I had the opportunity to live in Germany for a time. The place where I...
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Not Forgotten – God Has a Purpose

Have you ever had a part of your life that seemed to sit unused and useless for a long time?...
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God is With Me

  For many months, or perhaps even a year or two, I had a piece of paper on my wall...
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Thinning My Garden

One of my favourite parts of gardening is seeing the first sprouts pushing their heads through the ground. The newness...
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Seeing Bugs in My Life

One morning, not so long ago, I spent some time praying before my day got started. As is my habit,...
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He Guides My Journey

Not long ago, I was driving through the Canadian prairies where the world seemed to stretch out forever, with only...
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The Moon is Not Gone

As I stepped into the cool night air, I was thankful to be living where I could walk alone in...
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My Hands Have Too Much Paint

I need to wash my hands first "Are you finished?" I ask a preschooler as I point to the bright...
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What Am I Full Of?

Am I filling myself with the things of God or is something else taking that space? I am a preschool...
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Never a Wrong Address

What a comfort that God never makes a mistake. It's that wonderful time of year again! Christmas day is coming....
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Tantrum – Not Wanting to Trust the Lord

  Have you ever seen a child having a temper tantrum? As a preschool teacher, I’ve seen countless. Thankfully, the...
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Melting the Ice in Me

Autumn, my favourite season of the year. The leaves turn colours, the air is crisp, and the first snow coats...
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The Woodpecker’s Power

Is it my power, or God’s power, that brings the impact? Ah, camp. I don't know about you, but I...
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My Cat is Bad at Following

How well am I following Jesus? Meet My Cat   I have a cat named Midnight. He is quite the character...
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