S. J. Little’s Christian Allegory Blog

What follows are bite-sized posts recalling lessons God has taught me through daily life allegories. It is my prayer that you are encouraged by them.

As you read through the content, keep in mind that no allegory is perfect, and that in keeping these posts short I have not gone deep into the theology behind each. They are meant as encouragement and gentle reminders of valuable truths.

Looking for more resources to help you grow as a Christian? Visit my recommended resource page.

Want to understand what Christianity is all about? Check out Knowing God – the Gospel

Have I Swept the Corners?

  I placed my baby on the floor so I could tidy the kitchen. She's mobile now so I keep...
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Are We On The Move? – Inspirational Devotional

  Excitedly, I picked up my phone and switched to the camera. I did my best to hold it steady...
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What’s Grabbed Your Attention?

  Hearing my baby fuss, I scoop her off the mat. She's bored and getting tired, but it's not nap...
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Choices: There are only two

  Pulling out my laptop, I turn it on. I settle onto a comfortable seat and open a web browser....
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Throw Out the Box

  There they are, sitting in the corner of the room. Yes, they are tucked away, but still I see...
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Newborns Crave Milk

  I open my eyes at the sound of stirring in the bassinet beside me. A cry escapes my baby,...
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Might Be Today

  Rising from breakfast, I glanced at the small pile of dishes. I should wash them without delay because it...
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You’re Folding the Towels Wrong

  Have you ever heard the age-old debate about the "proper" way to fold towels and sheets? Should the towels...
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The Sun’s Consistency

  This morning, as I watched the sun rise, I marvelled at the consistency of it. The sun rises every...
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Critical Resources

  Yawning, I pulled myself out of bed. I shivered at the slight chill in the air. Having readied myself...
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Deep Roots?

  How deep are your roots? Back when I studied in Germany, there was a forested area I enjoyed slipping...
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The Perfect Gift

  Have you ever received a gift from someone that you didn't know you wanted, but when you received it,...
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The Empty Pond – Increasing Capacity for God

  I followed the familiar path, thankful for a chance to get outside. The air had a chill, but only...
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You Don’t Know What I’m Doing

  A while back, I decided to do an experiment. With COVID-19 concerns circling around, I figured it would be...
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The Eagle’s Rest

Camp. I love being involved in helping put on summer camp. Still, there are days when exhaustion tries to kick...
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Distracted For The Better?

  I recently spent a week volunteering at a summer camp. It was a blast as always! This summer we...
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Details in the Background

Have you done much art? I enjoy art, but with everything on my schedule, I rarely make it a priority....
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Staying in Right Relation to God

  One morning a while back, I sat for a few minutes to watch the sunrise. It was an especially...
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The Moose That Wouldn’t Leave

  Encounter With The Moose Who Wouldn't Leave  About a year ago, as I was driving back from a visit...
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Onion Layers

  Examining Onion Layers I glance at the clock. Time to start making supper. As I close my computer and...
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