S. J. Little’s Christian Allegory Blog

What follows are bite-sized posts recalling lessons God has taught me through daily life allegories. It is my prayer that you are encouraged by them.

As you read through the content, keep in mind that no allegory is perfect, and that in keeping these posts short I have not gone deep into the theology behind each. They are meant as encouragement and gentle reminders of valuable truths.

Looking for more resources to help you grow as a Christian? Visit my recommended resource page.

Want to understand what Christianity is all about? Check out Knowing God – the Gospel

A Bump in the Page

Getting the foundation right from the start. Yesterday, I picked up my Bible to continue reading where I had left...
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Building a Platform

Am I representing Jesus? In case you don't know, I’m an aspiring author. Currently, as of June 2019, I have...
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Faulty Fuel Line?

How is my connection with God? I drive an older vehicle. It has been faithful over the years, but no...
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He Suffered for Me

  It's the week of Easter. The time to celebrate Jesus' gruesome death on the cross for us, and His...
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Do I Really Want to Know Him?

Sometimes I think I know someone well, only to discover that there is so much more to know about them....
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My Turn!

Children often have trouble waiting for their turn. What about me? How do I respond when God asks me to...
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Using Available Tools?

  Getting ready to leave the house, I smooth my hair, slip on a necklace and take a close look...
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The Time of Blossoms

  Some years back, I was blessed to be able to spend several months in Germany. While there, I often...
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