I don’t know why it is, but I’ve had countless 2-4 year olds in my class who are fascinated by space. Whether we’re talking about planets or spaceships or stars, they love it!
While they do not fully grasp the concepts of the planets being in space and that we live on earth, they still enjoy learning the names and order of the planets and which one is ours. I would encourage you to find a poster or props that show all the planets in order.
To help you teach some of the basic realities of space, here are two simple and educational space songs to sing with your youngster who is intrigued by space.
The Planets Spin Around the Sun
Original song by S. J. Little
Tune: The Wheels on the Bus
The planets spin around the sun,
Around the sun,
Around the sun,
The planets spin around the sun,
We live on earth.
The sun is found in the middle,
In the middle,
In the middle,
The sun is found in the middle,
It keeps us warm.
Planets spin around the sun – hold one hand in a fist to represent the sun. Move the other hand in a curricular motion around the sun to symbolize the planets.
We live on earth – point to yourself
Sun is found in the middle – hold the same hand in a fist as with the first verse, but this time point to that hand with your free hand.
It keeps us warm – hugging yourself, rub your shoulders as though trying to warm up.
Names of the Planets
Song words adapted by S. J. Little, original author unknown
Tune: 10 Little Indians
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
All the planets out in space,
Spinning ’round the sun.
If you have a poster or props of the planets, point to each planet as you name it.
All the planets out in space – motion broadly toward the sky
Spinning ’round the sun – hold one hand in a fist to represent the sun. Move the other hand in a curricular motion around the sun to symbolize the planets (same as with the first song).
I hope you enjoy these simple space songs for preschoolers. If you’re looking for more unique and easy preschool songs, click here.