I was trying to remember a simple Christian preschool song about Christmas to sing with my toddler. I ended up creating my own easy song to this catchy tune.
I hope you enjoy this song and that it sparks as much interesting conversation with your children as it has with mine.
This song is featured in my 2-year-old Add A Little Curriculum Christmas Unit. Check it out here.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Jesus Came At Christmas Time
Tune: Praise Him, Praise Him (Composer Unknown – Pre 1974)
Song by: S. J. Little
Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus came at Christmas,
As a tiny baby.
Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus came at Christmas time.
Shepherds, shepherds,
Shepherds saw the angel,
And hurried to the stable.
Shepherds, shepherds,
Jesus came at Christmas time.
Wise men, wise men,
Wise men saw the star,
And traveled from afar.
Wise men, wise men,
Jesus came at Christmas time.
Looking for more original simple preschool songs for Christmas? Check out the following: