This Christmas song is fantastic for toddlers and preschoolers. The simple words and actions are easy to follow and relatable during the Christmas season. As an added bonus, you’ll likely find its tune familiar.
This song is featured in my 1-year-old Add A Little Curriculum Christmas Unit. Check it out here.
I’m a Little Christmas Tree
Tune similar to: I’m A Little Teapot
Author: Unknown
Source: https://www.momjunction.com/articles/most-popular-christmas-songs-for-toddlers_00382985/
I’m a little Christmas tree tall and straight,
Here are my branches for you to decorate.
First you put the star on the very top,
Just be careful that my balls don’t drop.
Little Christmas tree tall and straight – touch finger tips over head to make a pointed tree
Here are my branches for you to decorate – hold arms out from your sides as branches
First you put the star on the very top – reach on tippy toes to put something up high
Just be careful that my balls don’t… – hold arms out from your sides again
Drop – flap arms downward
Looking for more Holiday preschool song ideas? Check out the following: