Add A Little – 2 Year Old Curriculum – Unit 7

My Name

Developmental Focus: Letter Recognition

Want to learn more? Check out the Add A Little 2Y Parent / Teacher Guide

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Muscle Moving

Letter Hop


  • 1 sheet of paper for each letter in your child’s name
  • A marker
  • Optional: Tape


  • In large letters, write one letter of your child’s name on each sheet of paper.
  • Alternatively, for a large class:
    • Consider doing only the first letter of each child’s name.
    • Or choose 5 letters, such as “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and “E”. Write “A” on 4 sheets of paper so that when you call “A” every child has room to be touching one of the sheets that says “A”.
  • Place the papers on the floor spaced wide enough to jump from one to the next like stepping stones. 
  • Optional: Test how slippery the paper is on your floor. If needed, consider tapping each paper to the floor.

Time to Play:

  • Show your child how to jump from one paper to the next stating the name of the letter as you jump to it.
  • Encourage your child to try.
  • After jumping on the letters in order for a while, change it up by asking simple questions. “Can you find the ‘S’?” “Now where is the ‘J’?”
  • For advanced children, add another layer to the challenge by adding an action or other instruction.
  • For example, “Can you stomp to the ‘L’?” “Now put your thumb on the ‘T’.”

Brain Boosting

Masking Tape Name Craft


  • Thicker paper (ideally cardstock or cardboard)
  • Paints (watercolor or washable paint works, alternatively, this activity can be done with markers or crayons)
  • Masking tape
  • Note: Some types of paper and/or tape work better for this activity than others. If doing the activity with several children, consider doing a test picture of your own to see how well your supplies work.


  • Using the tape, write your child’s name on the paper. Consider using all caps because capital letters will be easier to create with tape. (See example below.)

Time to Play:

  • Show your child the paper with their name in tape. Point out each letter, naming it as you go.
    Give them the paints and encourage them to paint on the whole paper, including on top of the tape.
  • Tip: The more your child paints where the tape meets the paper, the better the end result will be. If needed, you can paint some yourself to help.
  • Allow the painting to dry.
  • Once the painting is dry, carefully pull the tape off the paper. Your child’s name should show clearly.

The example below is made using crayon instead of paint. Note how much contrast to white is needed along the edges of the letters.


Let’s Sing

ABC Song(s)

This video begins with the classic ABC Song. If you don’t already sing this song, it is a good place to start. If you’ve got that version mastered, continue listening to learn four other ways to sing the ABCs.

Link mentioned in the video: 

Let’s Read

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Authors: Bill Martin, Jr. & John Archambault
Illustrator: Lois Ehlert

Let’s Sing

Christian Song

The B-I-B-L-E

Find the words and actions here.

Let’s Read

Bible Story

Do Not Worry
Matthew 6:25-34

Beginner’s Bible Chapter:

Jesus Teaches on a Mountain
Page 318

Bonus Suggestion: Interested in a fun new ABC song to listen to? Check out Noah’s ABCs by Amy Essen.


Add A Little – 2 Year Old Curriculum – Unit 6

What’s That Shape?

Developmental Focus: Shape / Size Recognition

Want to learn more? Check out the Add A Little 2Y Parent / Teacher Guide

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Muscle Moving

Puzzle Run


  • A shape sorter set or a puzzle your child can confidently put together
  • A sensory bin – could be a cardboard box filled with shredded paper or tissue paper, a plastic container with a couple of inches of water (if your shape sorter can handle getting wet), or a container of pompoms


  • Place all the shapes or puzzle pieces in the sensory bin.
  • Place the sensory bin at child-accessible height on one side of the room, place the shape sorter or puzzle backing on the other side.

Time to Play:

  • Show your child how to find one piece in the sensory bin, then run across the room to insert it in the shape sorter or puzzle.
  • Encourage your child to try.
  • Cheer your child on and join your child in running back and forth.

Brain Boosting

Build Your Own Shapes


  • Playdough

Time to Play:

  • Sit at the table with your child. Give some playdough to your child and keep some for yourself to use.
  • Engage with your child and talk about what each of you is doing.
  • Mention that you would like to make some shapes, then talk aloud as you work. For example, “I am going to make a shape with four sides. I want all the sides to be the same length. There! What shape did I make?”
  • Depending on what your child already knows, adjust what you are making so they can confidently answer some of your questions, but also include new shapes or concepts.
    • Basic shapes:
      • Circle
      • Square
      • Triangle
      • Rectangle
      • Heart
      • Star
      • Oval
    • Advanced shapes:
      • Pentagon
      • Trapezoid
      • Hexagon
      • Octagon
      • Cone
      • Cube
      • Pyramid
    • Basic Concepts
      • Same / Different
      • Bigger / Smaller
      • Colours
    • Advanced Concepts
      • Counting 1-10
      • Big / Medium / Small
      • On / Under / Beside

Let’s Sing

The Shapes Song

Let’s Read

Shapes Book
Alexandra Claire

Let’s Sing

Christian Song


Find the words and actions here.


Let’s Read

Bible Story

Luke 19:1-10

Beginner’s Bible Chapter:
A Short Man
Page 413


Add A Little – 2 Year Old Curriculum – Unit C


Developmental Focus: Imaginative Fun

Want to learn more? Check out the Add A Little 2Y Parent / Teacher Guide

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Muscle Moving

Snowman Bowling


  • 3-6 empty plastic pop bottles or water bottles
  • White paper
  • Tape
  • Markers – black and orange
  • Scissors
  • A medium or large ball


  • Rinse the bottles and allow to dry.
  • Cut the paper into strips about 3 inches wide (1 strip per bottle).
  • On each strip of paper, draw a snowman face and tape it onto a bottle. This transforms the bottles into snowman.
  • If desired, place a line of tape on the floor for the children to stand behind when bowling, and place a piece of tape where each bottle should stand.

Time to Play:

  • Set up the bottles at one end of the room or hallway. Help your child stand a few steps back from the bottles.
  • Give your child the ball and encourage them to roll it at the bottles. The goal is to knock the bottles over.
  • Continue rolling the ball at the bottles until they all fall over.
  • Set the bottles back up to play again.

Additional Tips:

  • If the bottles tip over too easily, consider adding a small amount of water into each bottle. Securely close the lid and try playing again.
  • To make the game even more Christmas-y, consider decorating the bottles as Christmas trees rather than snowmen.
  • If you have more than one child playing, consider using two balls and/or setting up two separate groups of bottles to roll the balls at.

Brain Boosting

Package For You


  • One small bag, box, or blanket (to hide a toy in)
  • Various small toys

Time to Play:

  • Select one small toy. Hide it in the bag.
  • Approach your child and declare, “Package for you!”
  • Hand the bag to your child.
  • Encourage your child to guess what might be inside the package as they open it.
  • Be excited about what it is.
  • Put another toy in the bag to deliver, or encourage your child to wrap a toy to deliver to someone.

Extend the Play:

Get creative and have fun while you play together, consider:

  • Pretending to read the shipping address. For example: “This package is for Peter.”
  • If you have a playhouse, go to the door and ring the doorbell to deliver the package.

Let’s Read

Biscuit Gives a Gift
Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Pat Schories

A Christmas book that does not discuss Santa or the Nativity.

Let’s Read

Bible Story

Jesus’ Birth
Luke 2:1-21, Matthew 2:1-12

Beginner’s Bible Chapters:

An Angel Visits Mary
Baby Jesus Is Born
Shepherds Visit
The Bright Star and Three Visitors
Page 266-281, 286-290


Add A Little – 1 Year Old Curriculum – Unit 10

My Turn, Your Turn

Vocabulary: Catch, Roll, Pass, Turn

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Want to learn more about Add A Little Curriculum? Check out the Parent / Teacher Guide

Let’s Wiggle

Can’t Catch Me


  • Clear your area of obstacles to enable safe running around.

Time to Play:

  • Tell your child that you are going to play the “Catch Me” game. Encourage them to run away while you run to catch them.
  • Based on your child’s interest level, run and catch them several times.
  • Then change things up. Explain that you are going to run away and it is their turn to catch you. Be sure not to run away too fast.
  • Play several rounds of them catching you.
  • For older children, once your child has caught the hang of both ways to play, consider taking turns back and forth: “First you run away, then it is my turn to run away.”

Let’s Explore

Roll the Ball


  • 1 medium-large light ball per two or three people
    • Alternatively consider using a bean bag or a toy car that rolls well


  • Clear an area to sit on the floor facing each other with no obstacles in between.

Time to Play:

  • Have both you and your child sit on the floor facing each other. Sit with your legs straight in front of you spread into a “V” shape. To begin with, sit with your feet nearly touching your child’s feet.
  • Explain to your child that you are going to pass the ball to each other.
  • Gently roll the ball to your child. Encourage them to catch it.
  • Encourage your child to roll the ball back to you.
  • Continue rolling the ball back and forth from one person to the other.
  • For added challenge, increase the distance between you or consider bouncing the ball to each other.
  • This game is suited for older 1 year olds. Remember that sharing and passing are new skills for your child so laugh and make this a fun game even if your child is reluctant to pass the ball back. If it just doesn’t work, consider playing again in a few weeks.
  • In a classroom setting, pair two children per ball and encourage them to pass to each other.

Let’s Sing

Row Row Row Your Boat

This can be a great partner song. Sit cross-legged facing your child. Hold hands. “Row” your boat by leaning backward and forward together. Consider singing the song again faster.

Let’s Sing

Christian Song

Who Did Swallow Jonah

For lyrics and actions, click here.

Let’s Read

I Share

Author: Cheri J Meiners
Illustrator: Penny Weber


Add A Little – 1 Year Old Curriculum – Unit 7

My House

Vocabulary: Kitchen, Bathroom, Run, Puzzle

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Want to learn more about Add A Little Curriculum? Check out the Parent / Teacher Guide

Let’s Wiggle

Can You Find…


  • If needed, clear your hallway so that it is safe for you and your child to run through.

Time to Play:

  • Tell your child you are going to play a game. Be excited.
  • Explain that you will tell them which room to find and then they need to run and find it.
  • Start with the easy rooms such as:
    • “Can you find the bathroom?”
    • “Run to the kitchen!”
  • As your child catches onto the game, choose rooms or furniture they have to think about to find.
    • “Can you find the white bookshelf? It’s somewhere upstairs.”
    • “Run to the big couch.”
  • Optional: For more advanced children, add to the fun by including movement instructions.
    • “Can you crawl to the bedroom?”
    • “Now take big steps to the living room.”

Let’s Explore

Home-Made Puzzle


  • A file folder, or a sheet of cardboard, cardstock or other stiff paper.
  • A marker or pen
  • Several familiar household items or small toys. Be sure they have unique shapes. Consider:
    • A tablespoon
    • A soup ladle
    • A clothes pin
    • A measuring cup
    • A role of masking tape
    • A block
    • A toy car
    • A toy animal
    • A teething toy
    • A rattle
    • A plastic chain link


  • Lay the sheet of paper flat. Position several items/toys on top of it. Once satisfied with their positions, trace each item creating outlines.
  • Place the items/toys nearby.

Time to Play:

  • Show your child the sheet of paper with all the outlines on it.
  • Model how to match an item to its outline.
  • Encourage your child to try. Be excited when they match an item correctly.

Let’s Sing

Welcome to My House

Let’s Sing

Christian Song


For lyrics and actions, click here.

Let’s Read

I Love My Home

By Sebastien Braun