As a Christian, I believe prayer is valuable and makes a big difference.

In the Bible, God tells us to pray. I have read many stories of times in the Bible and throughout history when God answered someone’s prayer clearly and powerfully. I have seen answered prayer in my own life as well.

However, I’m not here to give you a theology lesson. Rather, I want to share a song with you.

I took the Apostle Paul’s prayer for the Christians in Philippi (Philippians 1:9-11), and adapted it as a simple song that is my prayer for my little one.

Prayer For My Child

Tune: She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain

Song Writer: S. J. Little



May you grow to love the Lord with all your heart.

May you grow to love the Lord with all your heart.

May you grow to love the Lord,

May you grow to love the Lord,

May you grow to love the Lord with all your heart.


May you know and discern what’s best.

May you know and discern what’s best.

May you know and discern,

May you know and discern,

May you know and discern what’s best.


May you be pure and blameless in that day.

May you be pure and blameless in that day.

May you be pure and blameless,

May you be pure and blameless,

May you be pure and blameless in that day.


May your life be filled with fruit of righteousness.

May your life be filled with fruit of righteousness.

May your life be filled with fruit,

May your life be filled with fruit,

May your life be filled with fruit of righteousness.


May your life be for the glory of the Lord.

May your life be for the glory of the Lord.

May your life be for the glory,

May your life be for the glory,

May your life be for the glory of the Lord.



Will you join me by praying this for your child(ren)?


Are you feeling bored or stuck when it comes to your Christian kid’s music playlist? Then read on to discover three of my favorite Bible-based children’s albums you’ve probably never heard of. I’ve also included a list of honorable mentions you may like.


Creature Teachers – Amy Essen

If you are looking for high-quality, variety, and Bible-based kid’s music, this is definitely an album you will want to check out.

This album was released in May 2023. This highly professional album contains 14 songs each based on a different animal mentioned in the Bible. Some of the songs are closely tied to one Bible verse while others share multiple Bible stories or emphasize practical Christian principles.

I’ve been privileged to learn some of the behind the scenes stories and processes that went into this incredible album because I know Amy personally.

Each song is in a different genre including classical, celtic, folk, rap, or boogaloo jazz. In the midst of trumpets, percussion, choir, and so much more, the album carries a vibrant fun tone.

My little one and I have thoroughly been enjoying listening to these songs. I’m sure you will too.





Proverbs – NIV Kids Club – Stan Blair

Do you prefer word-for-word Scripture songs for your children? Then I highly recommend the NIV Kids Club Albums by Stan Blair.

Each song is catchy and simple enough to easily sing along. The songs are in a variety of genres. Some of the songs include fun explanations about the meaning of the verse. All of the songs sing a verse (or two) in the New International Version Bible translation.

I love these songs so much that I purchased all four albums before I had my own kids. They make Bible memorization effortless. When I get one of them stuck in my head (because they are very catchy), I appreciate knowing that they are words from the Bible.




Zone Praise – Awana

Looking for something a little more upbeat? Then this might just be the album for you. I greatly appreciate the meaningful words in these well made songs. I enjoy singing with them even if my little one isn’t around.

Have you heard of the Awana kid’s clubs? They’re a fantastic Christian kid’s group that encourage Bible memorization and well rounded child development.

Did you know they have CDs? Neither did I until a few years ago. When checking out their music, note that the level of quality, style, and target age varies greatly between albums. Some are simple albums aimed to help young children memorize Bible verses. Others, like this one, are high quality Christian kids music.




Honorable Mentions (to give you even more variety)

Steve Green Kids – Gentle high quality word-for-word Scripture songs for kids

Seeds Family Worship – Word-for-word Scripture memory songs 

Go Fish – Full of energy and Biblical truths 

Yancy – Original worship songs for kids

Getty Kids – Hymns chosen for kids 


What’s your favorite album of Bible-based kid’s music?


“Read books to your children.” We hear it over and over again. Indeed, it is true that reading good books to your children gives them a notable advantage in learning to read as well as other developmental benefits.

“How do I know which books are excellent books?”

There are countless children’s picture books to choose from. While just about any book would provide some benefit, some books provide far more benefit than others. Keep reading to learn some elements to consider when looking for excellent books for your preschooler.

Age-Appropriate Books?

  • Story Reading Phases
    • As children grow they go through different phases of interest in and attention span for books. Every child will develop at a different rate and may go through different phases.
    • Curious what this looks like? Here’s an example.
      • A 0-2 month old may show absolutely zero interest in books.
      • A 3-9 month old may enjoy cuddling with you while you read short rhyming picture books. They may also be fascinated by books with photos of real people.
      • A 10-18 month old may not have the patience to sit for a whole story. Rather than reading the book, they may enjoy watching you point to pictures in the book while naming the picture or its sound. (“This is a cow. Cows say ‘Moo.'”)
      • A 19-24 month old may be ready to sit with you while you read short stories. They may ask you to read a favourite book again and again. They most likely enjoy interactive books, such as lift-the-flap books.
      • A 2-3 year old is likely ready to start enjoying books with more storyline. Interactive books are likely a big hit with this age group.
      • A 4-6 year old typically is ready for somewhat longer stories. They will likely interrupt the story many times to ask questions like, “why?”.
  • Observe
    • How do you know what story reading phase your child is in? The best clue is observation. If the book you are using, and the way you are reading it to your child is right for their phase, they will be engaged and interested.
    • Note that different times of day and/or different settings will greatly affect which sort of book is right for your child. Mid-morning your child may not have any interest in books, but just before bed snuggling close while you read a story might be their favorite thing.
  • Large Group or One-on-One?
    • Are you reading the book to a large class full of children, or to one child who is snuggled up beside you? My time as a preschool teacher has taught me that the bigger the group and the more distracting the setting, the shorter and/or more engaging the book needs to be.

Writing Style

Different picture books work better for different reading phases depending on their style. Here are some elements of writing style to consider.

  • How Many Words – generally, the younger the child, the smaller the word count needs to be.
  • Rhyme vs. Prose – if rhyme is well done, children will be more engaged.
  • Repetition and Rhythm – strategic repetition and rhythm draw a child in, making the book feel interactive. In Brown Bear Brown Bear, Bill Martin Jr makes excellent use of repetition and rhythm.
  • Sing Along – some sing along books are fantastic, others are way too long for most preschoolers. Watch your child’s cues in case you need to stop halfway through.
  • Story Arc – As children reach their 3rd birthday, they tend to begin preferring books with a story arc – a beginning, middle, climax, and conclusion. At first, these story arcs can be very simple, such as Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar. As the child’s attention span grows, they will become interested in more and more complex story arcs.
  • Illustration Style – some illustration styles mesmerize children, others simply do not. How can you tell which illustration styles your child enjoys? Observe their reactions. Remember, though, that their interest in different illustration styles can shift and change as they pass through different reading phases.
  • Sense of Humor – A book that makes your child laugh will keep them more engaged. Like with everything else, what a child finds funny will shift and morph as they grow.

Choose How to Read

Some books can easily be adapted to different reading phases depending on how you read it.

  • Read Text, Abbreviate the Story, Discuss Pictures, or Ask Questions
    • You pick up a book to read to your child, but right away you realize it has far too many words for your child’s current reading phase. No problem. Try simplifying the story into your own words, or merely enjoy looking at the pictures with your child.
    • Or perhaps you have a 4 year old, and the book you want to read is far too simple. Ask questions to make it a fun interactive book for your child.
      • “Oh, look, there’s a horse and a baby horse. Do you know what a baby horse is called?”
      • “I see an ice cream cone. Let’s count how many scoops of ice cream are on it. What’s your favourite type of ice cream?”
  • Read It Again or Only Once
    • Generally speaking, the younger the child, the more times you can repeat the same book before they get bored.
    • When reading to a group of children aged 2 years old and up, I typically encourage reading a new book almost every time. This will help keep even the more advanced children interested and engaged. When children are bored because they have heard the story before, they are far more likely to cause mischief.



Aside from the educational value of reading books to your child, the books you read will begin to shape how your child thinks and responds to other people and the world around them. I encourage you to be intentional to find books that teach your child well.

  • Role Models
    • Preschool children absorb what they see and hear. The characters in books become role models for them to mimic. Watch carefully that the characters in the books you choose are setting good examples for your child.
    • I had a 4 year old in one of my classes who used an inappropriate word. When another child declared that he shouldn’t use that word, the 4 year old shrugged, saying, “What? It’s what they say in the movies.”
  • Positive vs. Negative Tone
    • Similarly, some books have a positive optimistic tone while others include much whining and negative mindsets. Even as an adult, I find that when I read a book in which there is a lot of complaining, I catch myself complaining more. If this is the case with me, how much more so will this happen with our preschoolers?
  • Check for Subtle Messages
    • These days, many newer books include subtle messages encouraging and glorifying things such as activism, extreme environmentalism, and other current philosophies or morals.
    • You as the parent or caregiver get to choose whether you want these worldviews instilled in your child or not.
  • Educational
    • Many books have excellent educational elements so that while you are reading a fun book to your child, you are also teaching them about colours, or how plants grow, etc.


  • Now that you know how to choose excellent books for your child, where are you going to look for those books? I highly recommend checking to see if there is a local library you can use. Not only will this save you the cost of buying each book, but it will also give you a nearly endless supply of new books to choose from.
  • Visiting your library in person allows you to skim through the books before bringing them home. Alternatively, many libraries allow you to search online and place a hold on books that interest you. This is especially helpful if you are looking for books relating to a specific theme.

Book Recommendations

Looking for some excellent book ideas? Check out my favourites on Pinterest:

Books for Preschoolers and Toddlers

Preschool / Toddler Books – S. J. Little’s Favourite

What are some of your absolute favourite excellent picture books for children? Let us know in the comments below.


Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut when it comes to preschool songs? Are your children getting bored at circle time when you sing the same song again? Then this is the post for you.

This big list of simple preschool songs includes a wide variety of songs. Some of them you may have sung as a child, while others are original songs by S. J. Little. Some of the preschool songs have links to help you out. The more common songs do not have links, but can easily be researched through a quick Google search or on Youtube.

Know a common preschool song I’m missing? Feel free to add it to the comments section.

Preschool songs are incredibly helpful during transition times and to keep children engaged at circle time. I recommend learning a few of these songs so well that you can sing them anywhere.


Classic Preschool Songs, Plus:

A is for Alligator


Apples and Bananas

Baa Baa Black Sheep


Elephants Have Wrinkles

Farmer in the Dell

Finger Family (Tommy Thumb)

Grandma’s Glasses

Great Big Heart

Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes

I’m a Little Teapot

If You Want to be An… Animal Song

If You’re Happy and You Know It

It’s Cold Outside Today

Jonny Hammered with One Hammer

Little Green Frog

Mary Had A Little Lamb

Old McDonald

Open and Shut Them

Ring Around The Rosie

Rolly Polly

Row Row Row Your Boat

Shake My Sillies Out

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Ten in the Bed

The Ants Go Marching

The Hokey Pokey

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The Wheels on The Bus

Tony Chestnut

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Two Little Dickie Birds

Walking Walking

5 Green and Speckled Frogs

5 Little Ducks Went Out One Day

5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

5 Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree


This is my favourite Valentine’s day song for children aged 1-3. Not only is it about hearts, it also has engaging actions and is excellent for teaching basic concepts such as small, medium, large, and colours.

While this song can be sung with 4 year olds, they are more quick to become bored with the repetitive nature of this song. 1 year olds, 2 year olds, and 3 year olds, on the other hand, thrive on repetition enabling them to sing along.

I recommend only singing 3-5 verses in each sitting. Otherwise, the song can get long.  

For the full educational benefit, this song requires visuals. I have a free printout for you with big, medium, and small hearts. In the past, I have also used foam heart stickers that are shiny or sparkly. I recommend having two of each type of heart – one for each hand.

I have been singing this song for so long with my class that I’ve lost track of who wrote it. I think I may have come up with the idea, but I can’t recall for sure, so I will list it as an unknown author.


Great Big Heart

Author: Unknown

Tune: Tommy Thumb


Great big heart, great big heart,

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?


Tiny heart, tiny heart,

Where are you?

Here I am, here I am.

How do you do?


Other Verses:

Medium heart

Pink heart

Purple heart

Red heart

White heart

Shiny heart

Sparkly heart



  • Prep visuals ahead of time. You will want two matching hearts for each type of heart you want to sing about.
  • Hold one heart in each hand. Hide your hands behind your back.
  • Great big heart, great big heart, where are you? – Gently sway to the tune
  • Here I am – Bring one heart in front of you
  • Here I am – Bring the other heart in front of you
  • How do you do? – Move both hearts as though greeting each other


Want a free visual to enhance the educational element of this song? Here’s one for you. Download it for free.

Great Big Heart Song Visual