“Would you like some juice?” I asked.

“Yes,” my toddler replied from where she lay sick with a fever on the couch.

I fetched the little cup with a built-in straw from the fridge. It had a valve in the straw enabling me to tip it upside down without spilling. Surely it would be okay in the living room.

I set it beside my toddler, then scooped up my baby from where he stood leaning against the couch.

“I have to put your brother down for his nap. I’ll be back in a minute or two.”

My toddler took a sip of juice. “Okay.”

In the bedroom, I proceeded with my baby’s bedtime routine: drink water, put on sleep sack, read story, bounce while singing the “Prayer For My Child” song, then into his crib.

That done, I returned to the living room.

That was when I saw it. Beside my toddler, who was still on the couch where I had left her, was the straw cup. The cup rested on its side.

As I approached, one drip escaped.

Remaining calm, I quickly scooped up the cup.

Apparently, more than one drip had escaped.

There, on the couch, was a wet spot as large as the palm of my hand. I had only been gone a few short minutes.

Fetching a clean cloth, I pressed the drenched spot to absorb as much liquid out of it as possible, but it was a lost cause.

Giving up, I sighed. At least it was just watered-down apple juice on a brown couch.

A short while later, when I had a chance to lie down for a few minutes because I was sick with the same bug, it occurred to me that my actions are like that cup.

I thought the straw cup was a safe one to use in the living room because it didn’t spill, even when turned upside down. However, given enough time, one drip escapes. Then another drip escapes.

Before long, those slow but steady drips create a sizable spill.

My actions are like that. I may think they are inconsequential or “safe”, but, if I continue in them, they create a notable impact.

One small action after another, after another, after another… That’s how big impacts are made, whether for good or for evil.

Next time I am about to do something I believe is unimpactful, I would be wise to pause and consider the outcome. Will it lead to what is helpful or what is harmful?

In Galatians 6:7-8, I read:

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (NIV)

The following verse holds valuable encouragement.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 NIV

Lord, please help me be intentional to do what will lead to good for me and for those around me.


Add A Little – 2 Year Old Curriculum – Unit 7

My Name

Developmental Focus: Letter Recognition

Want to learn more? Check out the Add A Little 2Y Parent / Teacher Guide

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Muscle Moving

Letter Hop


  • 1 sheet of paper for each letter in your child’s name
  • A marker
  • Optional: Tape


  • In large letters, write one letter of your child’s name on each sheet of paper.
  • Alternatively, for a large class:
    • Consider doing only the first letter of each child’s name.
    • Or choose 5 letters, such as “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and “E”. Write “A” on 4 sheets of paper so that when you call “A” every child has room to be touching one of the sheets that says “A”.
  • Place the papers on the floor spaced wide enough to jump from one to the next like stepping stones. 
  • Optional: Test how slippery the paper is on your floor. If needed, consider tapping each paper to the floor.

Time to Play:

  • Show your child how to jump from one paper to the next stating the name of the letter as you jump to it.
  • Encourage your child to try.
  • After jumping on the letters in order for a while, change it up by asking simple questions. “Can you find the ‘S’?” “Now where is the ‘J’?”
  • For advanced children, add another layer to the challenge by adding an action or other instruction.
  • For example, “Can you stomp to the ‘L’?” “Now put your thumb on the ‘T’.”

Brain Boosting

Masking Tape Name Craft


  • Thicker paper (ideally cardstock or cardboard)
  • Paints (watercolor or washable paint works, alternatively, this activity can be done with markers or crayons)
  • Masking tape
  • Note: Some types of paper and/or tape work better for this activity than others. If doing the activity with several children, consider doing a test picture of your own to see how well your supplies work.


  • Using the tape, write your child’s name on the paper. Consider using all caps because capital letters will be easier to create with tape. (See example below.)

Time to Play:

  • Show your child the paper with their name in tape. Point out each letter, naming it as you go.
    Give them the paints and encourage them to paint on the whole paper, including on top of the tape.
  • Tip: The more your child paints where the tape meets the paper, the better the end result will be. If needed, you can paint some yourself to help.
  • Allow the painting to dry.
  • Once the painting is dry, carefully pull the tape off the paper. Your child’s name should show clearly.

The example below is made using crayon instead of paint. Note how much contrast to white is needed along the edges of the letters.


Let’s Sing

ABC Song(s)

This video begins with the classic ABC Song. If you don’t already sing this song, it is a good place to start. If you’ve got that version mastered, continue listening to learn four other ways to sing the ABCs.

Link mentioned in the video: http://melissa.depperfamily.net/blog/early-literacy-storytime-singing-abcs/ 

Let’s Read

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Authors: Bill Martin, Jr. & John Archambault
Illustrator: Lois Ehlert

Let’s Sing

Christian Song

The B-I-B-L-E

Find the words and actions here.

Let’s Read

Bible Story

Do Not Worry
Matthew 6:25-34

Beginner’s Bible Chapter:

Jesus Teaches on a Mountain
Page 318

Bonus Suggestion: Interested in a fun new ABC song to listen to? Check out Noah’s ABCs by Amy Essen.


I set my baby on the kitchen floor and opened the fridge to get the leftover containers out for lunch.

“He’s getting so good at belly crawling,” I commented to my 2-year-old. “Pretty soon he’ll be up on his hands and knees doing proper crawling.”

I fetched a serving spoon and began putting food on our plates.

I turned to my 2-year-old. “Do you want your food warm or cold?”

She glanced at the table from where she was on the floor, busy building with magnetic blocks. “Cold.”

I glanced at my baby who had lost interest in the blue car he had been playing with and was now making his way across the kitchen floor.

I put my plate of food in the microwave and turned it on.

I filled our water glasses, then looked over at my baby again. He was studying the wall. Perhaps he liked the texture of the paint?

Hearing the microwave beep, I turned to retrieve my food.

When I glanced back at him, he was just reaching the furnace vent in the floor.

“Careful,” I warned him, “that could have sharp parts.”

Of course, he didn’t understand me. He continued touching the vent.

I set my hot food on the table and headed in his direction.

Then, to my disgust, I saw him put his head down on the floor vent and lick the metal grate.

“No, no,” I said, scooping him up. “We don’t lick floor vents.”

As I carried him towards the table, I spotted movement out of the corner of my eye.

My 2-year-old had left her blocks and was crawling. She was making a beeline for the very vent I’d just pulled my baby away from.

With a giggle, she licked the floor vent.

This incident is one of the more memorable times my 2-year-old copied my baby. She’d never thought to lick a floor vent before, but here she was doing it because her baby brother decided to give it a try.

There have been many other times my 2-year-old has desired to mimic our baby. She has wanted to be carried more. She has reverted to requesting to be spoon-fed. If I give my baby a biting toy, she wants one too.

In truth, such desires to be more “baby-like” are common in toddlers who have a new baby in the house. Indeed, even in the area of potty training, many fully trained toddlers have gone back to diapers when the new baby arrives.

Why share this story? Because I am similar to my daughter. Whether I realize it or not, I mimic those around me.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, unless I mimic those who set foolish or harmful examples.

In my walk with God, I am to be growing towards maturity (Heb. 5:11-14, James 1:4).

Likewise, my toddler is supposed to be growing in ability and intelligence.

When she mimics her baby brother, she is going backwards in her development. She is becoming more baby-like.

So who am I mimicking?

Are they influencing me towards maturity in Jesus, or away from it?

It’s worth taking time to consider the influence of my family, friends, and church leaders.

I like how it is put in Hebrews 13:7 – “Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith.” (CSB)

On top of that, which authors/influencers/musicians am I listening to? What influence do they have on me?

If, when I look around, it seems no one is influencing me towards a deeper relationship with Jesus, it may be time to make some changes.

One of those changes could simply be reading a biography of a Christian who had a deep personal relationship with Jesus.

My favourites include:

  • Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot
  • Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret by  Dr. Howard Taylor
  • Seeking Allah Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi

I was recently reminded of the encouragement podcasts can give when I listened to “Women Worth Knowing” by Cheryl Broderson and Robin Jones Gunn, “Enduring Words” by David Guzik, and “Laugh Again” by Phil Callaway.

Ultimately it is Jesus whose example I am to follow.

All these other examples ought to point me towards Him. As Paul put it: “Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1 CSB)

Being intentional to keep times of prayer and Bible reading in my daily life is critical for this.

As I go forward, may I be aware of how I am being influenced. May I be intentional to seek out those who would influence me towards Jesus. May I grow towards maturity in my walk with Jesus.


Add A Little – 2 Year Old Curriculum – Unit 6

What’s That Shape?

Developmental Focus: Shape / Size Recognition

Want to learn more? Check out the Add A Little 2Y Parent / Teacher Guide

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Muscle Moving

Puzzle Run


  • A shape sorter set or a puzzle your child can confidently put together
  • A sensory bin – could be a cardboard box filled with shredded paper or tissue paper, a plastic container with a couple of inches of water (if your shape sorter can handle getting wet), or a container of pompoms


  • Place all the shapes or puzzle pieces in the sensory bin.
  • Place the sensory bin at child-accessible height on one side of the room, place the shape sorter or puzzle backing on the other side.

Time to Play:

  • Show your child how to find one piece in the sensory bin, then run across the room to insert it in the shape sorter or puzzle.
  • Encourage your child to try.
  • Cheer your child on and join your child in running back and forth.

Brain Boosting

Build Your Own Shapes


  • Playdough

Time to Play:

  • Sit at the table with your child. Give some playdough to your child and keep some for yourself to use.
  • Engage with your child and talk about what each of you is doing.
  • Mention that you would like to make some shapes, then talk aloud as you work. For example, “I am going to make a shape with four sides. I want all the sides to be the same length. There! What shape did I make?”
  • Depending on what your child already knows, adjust what you are making so they can confidently answer some of your questions, but also include new shapes or concepts.
    • Basic shapes:
      • Circle
      • Square
      • Triangle
      • Rectangle
      • Heart
      • Star
      • Oval
    • Advanced shapes:
      • Pentagon
      • Trapezoid
      • Hexagon
      • Octagon
      • Cone
      • Cube
      • Pyramid
    • Basic Concepts
      • Same / Different
      • Bigger / Smaller
      • Colours
    • Advanced Concepts
      • Counting 1-10
      • Big / Medium / Small
      • On / Under / Beside

Let’s Sing

The Shapes Song

Let’s Read

Shapes Book
Alexandra Claire

Let’s Sing

Christian Song


Find the words and actions here.


Let’s Read

Bible Story

Luke 19:1-10

Beginner’s Bible Chapter:
A Short Man
Page 413


I placed the loaf of bread in the fridge and returned to the table to clear the rest of the breakfast items. Happy chatter reached my ears from where my older child played in the other room.

I glanced at my baby as he crawled around the kitchen floor exploring the toys left out for that very purpose.

Opening the dishwasher, I quickly put the dishes and cutlery in.

My baby made a beeline for the dishwasher.

“You’re getting faster,” I said, “but I’m all done with the dishwasher already.”

He fussed when I closed it before he could climb in.

Crouching beside him, I drove a car back and forth. “Vroom… Vroom…”

It only took a moment before he was reaching for the car.

“Yes, you can have the car. I need to finish clearing the table.” Fetching the dishcloth, I returned to the table and began wiping it.

I heard a thump.

Looking over, I observed my baby standing against the under-the-sink cupboard, pulling at its handle.

Pulling the door open, he peeked inside. Intrigued, he pulled it open further then dropped to his hands and knees to investigate.

I stepped around the table to wipe the far side.

He reached for the dustpan and broom I kept in the cupboard.

I spoke lightly, “You can look at that, just don’t suck on it please.”

His interest didn’t last long. Setting the dustpan aside, he looked up at the garbage can. He reached for the fresh bag my husband had put in the can.

“No, that’s not for you,” I spoke from the opposite side of the table.

My baby couldn’t quite reach the bag from where he sat. He shifted closer and reached again.

Disregarding the dishcloth, I hurried to his side.

“No,” I stated firmly, pulling his hand away from the garbage.

He looked at me, then reached for the bag again.

“No,” I said again.

He reached for it another time.

“No. That’s the garbage. That’s not for you. Here, you can hold the dustpan.” I tapped the dustpan loudly.

Yet again he reached for the garbage.

This time, I pulled him away from the garbage and closed the cupboard. “No. The garbage is not for you. Find something else to play with.”

He fussed.

I rolled a ball towards him, but he barely noticed. He was too busy heading back for the cupboard and pulling himself up against it.

I held the cupboard shut as he tugged on the handles.

His fussing turned to crying.

I scooped him up.

“Silly boy. Garbage is not good for you. Come, let’s find something better for you.” I carried him to the living room in search of a more engaging toy.

It was only later, after more run-ins of a similar nature, that I noticed the allegory hidden in these moments.

I love my son. I want what is best for him. When he wants to play with garbage, I say “no.”

The same is true of God. Our Heavenly Father is a loving God. He loves us so much that when we want to play with garbage, He says “no.”

As the parent of a very busy baby, I am considering putting locks on that cupboard to prevent him from opening it.

God, however, gives us the freedom to choose to comply with His “no.”

In my day-to-day life, what does this mean?

First off, in His Word, God has given me many laws and guidelines to live by. I’m sure you can name several of them.

“Do not murder.

Do not commit adultery.

Do not steal.” (Deuteronomy 5:17-19 CSB)

I could go on.

Why does God give me these laws? Because He knows they will keep me away from garbage.

Garbage is not good for me.

Beyond that, God sometimes replies to my prayer requests regarding specific situations or desires with “no.”

So often it is hard to understand why He says no when it is something I long for.

In the story I shared, my baby had absolutely no comprehension that the garbage can was not good for him. He got frustrated when I pulled him away from it. He cried.

Sometimes I must simply trust that God sees the bigger picture. He knows what the future holds. He knows what is best.

Yet it can be so hard to trust when the “no” makes no sense to me. I may feel frustrated, disappointed, and discouraged. I may cry. I need to take these feelings straight to God as the Psalmists so often did.

As I take these emotions to God, He will help me trust Him when He says:

“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

and your ways are not My ways.’

This is the Lord’s declaration.

‘For as heaven is higher than earth,

so My ways are higher than your ways,

and My thoughts than your thoughts.'” (Isaiah 55:8-9 CSB)

Today, may I abide by the rules and guidelines God has laid out in His Word. Beyond that, when God says, “no,” may I trust that He knows what is best, even when I don’t understand.