I walked into the kitchen. The dirty dishes area of the counter was empty. What a lovely sight.

My husband had washed the dishes last night while I dried them.

I knew the dishwasher was nearing full. It would need running before too long, but for now those dirty dishes waited neatly arranged in the dishwasher. They would be taken care of soon.

I glanced at the clock. Time to make supper.

Having checked that my toddler was happily engaged making her own supper with her toy food, I fetched my rice cooker, filled it, and turned it on.

Next, I pulled out a frying pan and an onion.

Locating my favourite knife, I set to work.

Before long I had ground beef and onion sizzling away. I chopped up a couple of bell peppers to add.

That done, I carried the knife and cutting board to the dirty dishes counter. So much for that counter being empty.

My toddler was getting restless by now, so I asked her to help.

“Can you find a can of pineapple for me?”

She hurried to the can cupboard and scoured it.

I turned to my recipe and pulled out a measuring cup and measuring spoons.

Turning around, I found my daughter reaching into a drawer.

“You must be looking for the can opener.”

I handed it to her.

She hurried back to where she’d left the can of pineapple.

I followed, knowing I’d only have a moment before she gave up trying on her own and pleaded for help.

Sure enough… “Mama, help.”

“Okay, I’ll help you. Bring the can to the table first.”

We twisted the can opener together until the can opened. Then I set the can and can opener on the counter out of reach.

“Now I need soy sauce. Can you get it for me?”

Being in a favorable mood, my toddler soon set the soy sauce on the table.

“Thank you! Now I need the vinegar.”

As she trotted off in search of vinegar, I measured soy sauce into my measuring cup. It finished up what was left in the soy sauce container. Setting the empty container in the dirty dishes area to rinse later, I wrote soy sauce on the shopping list.

Calls of “Mama help,” came from the pantry.

I turned to find my little one stretching for the heavy vinegar jug, but unable to reach it.

“You found the vinegar. Here, I’ll get it.”

That done, I returned to the pantry for the brown sugar and cornstarch.

Upon spotting the sugar, my toddler climbed on a chair and grabbed a measuring spoon.


I reached for the spoon, but too late. It was already in her mouth.

“Next time you need to wait until after I use the spoon to lick it. Now I need to get a new measuring spoon.”

I set the licked spoon in the growing dirties pile and pulled out a new one.

I added the rest of the ingredients to the measuring cup, saving the sugar for last. I then passed her the spoon.

As my toddler perched happily licking the sugar spoon, I poured the sauce into the frying pan.

I paused in the unusual moment of quiet to survey the kitchen. So much for it being tidy.

I set to work putting dirty measuring spoons by the sink and returning the ingredients to their proper homes. I grabbed the dishcloth to give the table a good wipe.

Having finished licking the spoon, my toddler pulled at my leg. “Mama come. Play.”

I glanced at the dirty dishes pile that had sprung up. The pots and pans from supper would likely join the stack before I got to washing any of them. Oh well…

I turned to my toddler. “Okay, I can come play for a little while, but then supper will be ready and it will be time to eat.”

Why do I share this story with you? Because I want to share one of my go-to recipes with you? No.

Rather, because I found myself thinking about dirty dishes recently.

Dirty dishes. Don’t we love them?

Some days it seems there is a never ending stream of dirty dishes to be washed.

Dirty dishes are a by-product of life when you cook and eat at home.

Where’s the allegory?

The allegory is this: in my regular everyday life, there comes a buildup of dirt or wear and tear. Jesus wants to wash it away for me. Am I taking the time to bring those things to Jesus so that He can wash me clean?

Let me expand further.

In my regular, reasonable daily life, just as the dirty dishes seem to be a continual stream, so there is dirt that shows up in my spiritual life.

Regularly, I must stop and take the time to wash the dishes. Then, for a short time, the dirty dishes counter will be clean and empty.

Likewise, I must regularly stop and take the time to meet with Jesus asking that He wash me afresh.

Some of this dirt is from the times I let my sinful nature take over. Some of it is simply from life’s wear and tear – the discouragement and hurts that a day can bring.

What do I do with this dirt?

I like the way Paul puts it in Philippians 4:6-7:

“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (CSB)

When I am weighed down with anxiety, Jesus wants me to bring that to Him.

When I’ve had a hard day, Jesus wants me to bring that to Him.

When my heart is aching, Jesus wants me to bring that to Him.

When I’ve fallen into sin, Jesus wants me to bring that to Him.

Once a week at church is not enough. I need Jesus to wash and refresh me daily.

Once a day is not enough. I need to join the hymnist in singing, “I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord.”



If you haven’t heard the song before, I highly recommend you take a moment to listen to it.


Add A Little – 1 Year Old Curriculum – Unit 5

My Body

Vocabulary: Head, Hand, Fall, Squish

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Want to learn more about Add A Little Curriculum? Check out the Parent / Teacher Guide

Let’s Wiggle

On My Head


  • Select 1-3 toys per child that are durable and don’t hurt if they fall. Consider:
    • Stuffed animals
    • Bean bags
    • Rings from a ring stacking toy

Time to Play:

  • While sitting with your child, place a toy on your head. Balance it for a moment then make it fall.
  • Encourage your child to put a toy on top of their head. Laugh with your child when it falls and have fun.

Let’s Explore

Cereal Squish

Note to Parents/Teachers:

  • This activity is fantastic for hand-eye coordination and fine motor development.
  • If you are concerned your child will pick up bad eating habits when you teach them to squish the cereal, consider making it feel like it is not meal time by placing their highchair somewhere unusual or having them sit somewhere else entirely. Just remember there will be cereal dust to clean up after.


  • 1 Handful of an easy-to-squish cereal such as Kellogg’s Rice Krispies cereal


  • Consider buckling your child into their highchair for this activity.

Time to Play:

  • Place five pieces of cereal in front of your child. Show them how to use a finger to squish one or two pieces.
  • Encourage them to try.
  • As they catch on, give them a few more pieces of cereal.

Let’s Sing

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

Let’s Sing

Christian Song

Oh Be Careful Little Eyes

Click here for Lyrics and Actions



Let’s Read

My First – Body

By: DK

Buy it on Amazon

(This is an affiliate link meaning I earn a small commission when you make a purchase at no added expense to you.)


I scanned through the list of names and Christmas gift ideas.

I highlighted the gifts we’d already purchased and circled the ones we still needed to buy.

A few ideas I crossed off. They simply weren’t a good fit for the person.

I let my eyes trail down the list.

Candies and toys for the nieces and nephews. They would have fun with those.

Plenty of chocolate and many practical items for our siblings and their spouses. Everything from kitchen items to socks. Hopefully they would be helpful.

I smiled. All the items on our list now seemed fitting. They would be useful and/or enjoyable for those who received them.

Next I considered the gifts we’d chosen for our little one. As a preschool teacher, I greatly enjoy children’s toys, much like a computer programmer gets excited about a new mouse or a carpenter might be thrilled with a new tool belt.

I had put a lot of thought into what to get for her, and done plenty of research – perhaps too much.

Some toys would thrill her for a week or two, but quickly become boring. Other toys were too advanced. Some toys were of flimsy materials that wouldn’t last.

It was hard to narrow down the options, but I finally did.

I chose a play food set since she is just beginning to get into pretend play. This should last her until she is 6 or older.

At a second hand store, I found an exciting puzzle – one with latches and doors. It’ll be a little challenging for her, but I’m certain she’ll like it.

We’re also adding blocks to our block set since she plays with them often.

Satisfied, I set aside my Christmas shopping list.

My mind wandered back to a joke I’d seen on Facebook.

It was a Christmasy comic. It showed Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus in a barn-type environment.

The caption read: “If there’d been three wise women instead.”

At the entrance, three well-dressed women stood holding boxes. The boxes were labeled, “Diapers”, “Formula”, and “Casseroles”.

Mary looked delighted as she exclaimed, “Perfect!”

At first, my eyes twinkled at the comic, but since then a much deeper thought has stayed with me.

The “wise women” brought the sorts of things I would give someone who’d just had a baby. It seems a very normal helpful response to the situation.

Then why did God, in His infinite wisdom, send wisemen with very different gifts – gold, frankincense, and myrrh?

Because God had something far greater on His mind.

The wise women were very helpful, yes, but casseroles only last a week, formula is done by 12 months, and diapers are typically a thing of the past by 3 or 4 years old. These women were only thinking about the next few weeks and months, or perhaps a handful of years.

While the wisemen’s gifts may have had immediate practical use, for example, the gold could have supported the family on their escape to Egypt, they foreshadowed something of greater significance.

God was looking ahead to the event, that would take place about 33 years later. A moment that would change history forever. On top of that, God had all of time on His mind when He chose which gifts to send. 

Gold was a gift fit for a king – a symbol of Jesus’ kingship.

Frankincense was used in incense – a reference to Jesus’ priestly role, and to His divinity.

Myrrh was used for embalming the dead – foreshadowing Jesus’ death on the cross.

(Reference: https://www.blueletterbible.org/Comm/smith_chuck/StudyGuides_Matthew/Matthew.cfm?a=931011 )

Why do I share all these thoughts? Because they have a powerful reminder for me.

Far too often, I find myself thinking like the wise women. I focus on the practical needs and think only of the next few days or weeks or perhaps a few years.

I forget that there is so much more to life than just the immediate practical needs.

I forget to think about eternity.

My conversations, my prayers for people, the greeting cards I write, the gifts I give… So often they are about current events or the very near future.

Yet eternity is a lot longer than now. Eternity is forever, but so much of now is temporary.

A part of me wants to argue. I can’t live with my head in the clouds. I have a household to care for, husband to love, and a toddler to raise. That takes a lot of paying attention to the now and the practical.

God understands these things. In fact, He is the one who has put me in this role. Yet still He says:

“Set your hearts on things above, … Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:1b-2 NIV

Another translation puts it: “seek the things above”. Colossians 3:1b CSB

What does this mean? I’m still working to figure that out in my current stage of life.

I do know, however, that I need to remember to think of the things pertaining to eternity more often.

How do I do that? Reading the Bible, going to church, and being part of a Bible study certainly help.

Another practical thing that I often forget to do, is singing songs of praise to God – especially songs that bring me back to the Gospel and thoughts of heaven.

I need to come back to the basics – the John 3:16 basics.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV

Do all my gifts have to be Bibles and Gospel tracts? No, God understands the need for practical things and the place for enjoyment. Yet underlying my gifts and interactions should be a heart that longs for those around me to know the life-giving joy of a relationship with Jesus and the promise of eternity spent with Him.

To have such a desire, I must have eternity on my mind.


After Thoughts: 

I have found many hymns, such as Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, include the Gospel and mentions of eternity spent with God. These help me set my mind on things above.


Did you know many traditional Christmas carols also include whispers of the Gospel and eternity spent with God? Try listening to Hark the Herald Angels Sing and you’ll see what I mean.


Want to know more about the gifts the wisemen brought? I encourage you to listen to this sermon about Matthew 2: https://messages.calvarychapel.ca/?message=799&via=rmcccalgary

Picture of Christmas socks. Cover image for a curriculum for 1 year olds.


Add A Little – 1 Year Old Curriculum – Unit C


Vocabulary: Snow, Falling, Soft, Socks

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Want to learn more about Add A Little Curriculum? Check out the Parent / Teacher Guide

Let’s Wiggle

Let It Snow


  • A sheet of basic white paper or wrapping paper (alternative: white pompoms or cotton balls)
  • 1 container


  • When your child is not present, rip the paper into pieces approximately 2″ by 2″. Next, crumple each piece and put them in your container.

Time to Play:

  • Invite your toddler to join you in an open area. Explain that you’re going to play with pretend snow.
  • Toss the pieces of “snow” into the air over your heads. Gather handfuls of snow from the floor and toss in the air again.
  • If you know one, sing a song about snow while you play, such as:

It Is Snowing

  • Author: Unknown
  • Tune: Are You Sleeping?

It is snowing, it is snowing,

All around, all around.

Soft and quiet snowflakes, soft and quiet snowflakes,

Touch the ground. Touch the ground.

Let’s Explore

Sock Play / Match (Stockings)


  • Socks – could be:
    • Your toddler’s current socks
    • Adult fuzzy socks
    • Mismatched baby socks
  • 1 box or basket (or more)


  • Place several socks, preferably of different textures, in the basket.
  • For toddlers able to match socks, choose pairs of socks that can be matched.

Time to Play:

  • With younger toddlers, explore the textures, colours, and patterns on the socks. Have fun dumping them out of the box and putting them back in again. Can you balance a sock on your head?
  • With more advanced toddlers, encourage them to attempt to match the socks. Remember this is a challenging new skill for them, so be encouraging.
  • Other play ideas include:
    • Put socks on a doll.
    • Let your toddler try to put socks on their own feet (or on their hands as mittens).
    • Roll a sock into a ball and throw it into the basket.
    • Find a couple of toys that can hide in the socks.

Let’s Read

Where Is Baby’s Christmas Present?
Author and Illustrator: Karen Katz

A simple lift-the-flap Christmas book that does not discuss Santa or the Nativity.

Let’s Read


Baby’s First Nativity
Author: Little Bee Books
Illustrator: Nomar Perez

A wonderfully simple Nativity book, especially for younger 1 year olds.

This Christmas song is fantastic for toddlers and preschoolers. The simple words and actions are easy to follow and relatable during the Christmas season. As an added bonus, you’ll likely find its tune familiar.

This song is featured in my 1-year-old Add A Little Curriculum Christmas Unit. Check it out here.



I’m a Little Christmas Tree

Tune similar to: I’m A Little Teapot

Author: Unknown

Source: https://www.momjunction.com/articles/most-popular-christmas-songs-for-toddlers_00382985/


I’m a little Christmas tree tall and straight,

Here are my branches for you to decorate.

First you put the star on the very top,

Just be careful that my balls don’t drop.



Little Christmas tree tall and straight – touch finger tips over head to make a pointed tree

Here are my branches for you to decorate – hold arms out from your sides as branches

First you put the star on the very top – reach on tippy toes to put something up high

Just be careful that my balls don’t… – hold arms out from your sides again

Drop – flap arms downward

Looking for more Holiday preschool song ideas? Check out the following:

Baby Jesus, Welcome Lord

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Shine Shine Christmas Lights

Simple Gingerbread Man Song