Last July, I posted “7 Simple Christian Songs for Preschoolers“. So many people enjoyed those songs that I decided to follow it up with this post.
If you haven’t visited my first Christian Songs for Preschoolers post, I would encourage you to check it out here. In that post, I talked about the value of these songs and useful ways to sing them.
For now, I will suffice to say that these songs have been chosen because they are easy to sing (no need for a CD player or music major), and they teach valuable truths about God. In fact, singing these Christian songs not only teaches children these truths, but they provide me with much needed reminders too. Enjoy!
Please note: The sample videos I have included were chosen for the clarity of the song and actions. I am not associated with any of them and have not done extensive research into the groups who posted them. Also, while I tried to find videos similar to how I prefer to sing these songs, some actions and/or words may vary from the versions I have recommended for you.
1. Our God is an Awesome God
You may already know this song, as it is the chorus of a much longer song by the same name. It is essential that we remind ourselves that our God is truly an awesome God, especially now as I write this during a pandemic! This song could be sung several times in a row getting a little faster each time.
Our God is an awesome God,
He reigns from heaven above,
With wisdom, power, and love,
Our God is an awesome God.
God – point up
Awesome – thumbs up
Reigns – wiggle fingers like rain coming down
Heaven – point up
Wisdom – point to mind
Power – show muscles
Love – hug self
2. Oh Be Careful Little Eyes What You See
With internet access so readily available, let’s start teaching our children, when they are young, the wisdom of being careful of what we expose ourselves to. I appreciate how this song reminds us that it is out of love for us that God asks us to be careful. He knows it is for our good. Depending on the age of your children, you can do simple actions by only pointing to the body part named, or you can point to the body part and then do the second action for the last part of the line.
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little eyes what you see.
Other Verses:
- Ears what you hear
- Hands what you do
- Feet where you go
- Mouth what you say
- Heart whom you trust
- Mind what you think
Eyes, ears, etc. – point to body part
See – hold hand over eyes as though looking far away
Hear – cup hands behind ears
Do – move hands around, perhaps pretend to build something
Go – walk in place
Say – cup hands around mouth, as though yelling
Trust – open hands flat in front of self, as though giving or receiving a gift
Think – tap chin, as though pondering something
3. God is so Good
A classic song, this one is so gentle and sweet to sing. This might be a good song for just before bed or some other slower part of the day.
God is so good,
God is so good,
God is so good,
He’s so good to me.
Other Verses:
God cares for me…
God died for me…
God loves me so…
God answers prayer…
I praise His name…
God/He/His – point up
So good – move arms in large circle, starting at top and moving down
Me/I – point to self
Cares – hug self
Loves – cross arms over heart and rock side to side
Prayer – clasp hands in prayer
4. Ho-Ho-Ho-Hosanna
I once was in a choir that used this song as a warm-up during practices. Its repetitive rhythm makes it fun to sing, while its words make it a valuable reminder. Let us never forget the joy of what Jesus did for us!
Ho, ho, ho, hosanna,
Ha, ha, hallelujah,
He, He, He, He saved me,
I’ve got the joy of the Lord!
Ho/hosanna – cup hands around mouth
Ha/hallelujah – put hands on tummy and lean back as though laughing
He/Lord – point up
Me – hug self
5. Jesus Loves Me
Chances are, you sang this song as a child. While it is a little more complicated than some of the others in this list, the truths it reminds us of are worth it. Also, don’t limit it to being a child’s song. I know I often need the reminders it offers.
Jesus loves me this I know,
For the Bible tells me so,
Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me,
The Bible tells me so.
Jesus – (for younger children) point up
– (for older children) sign language for Jesus – touch middle finger from one hand to palm of other hand and vice versa
Loves – hug self
Me – point to self
Know – point to brain
Bible – hold hands like book and open
Little ones – pretend to pat young children on the head
Him/He – point up
Weak – slump and hang arms limply
Strong – show muscles
Yes – sign language for yes – make fist and move it up and down
6. I Say L (L-O-V-E)
This song will be better for children who are starting to grasp the concept that letters can be put together to form words. The actions are complicated to learn, but your more advanced preschoolers will enjoy the challenge. Also, this song has three sets of actions. You can choose to use one or all three depending on your children and goals. There are the full-body actions which are great for getting wiggles out. Then there are also the finger actions and the hand actions which can be done sitting. Some children will find the finger actions more challenging, if they have not yet developed strong fine motor muscles and hand-eye coordination.
I say L
I say L-O
Everybody needs God’s love,
Everybody needs God’s love,
Everybody needs God’s love,
Everybody needs God’s love.
Rather than repeating the L-O-V-E actions after singing “Everybody needs God’s love,” I recommend having the children give themselves a hug. You can also hold “love” rather than making the “ch” sounds portrayed in the video.
This song has three sets of actions: full-body, hand, and finger
Full-body actions:
L – hold right arm up and left arm horizontal
O – connect hands above head, creating circle
V – extend both arms above head at angles
E – use one arm as top of E and the other arm as middle of E, then lift leg to create bottom of E
Hand actions: (using both hands)
L – with wrists touching, hold right hand straight up and left hand horizontal
O – with wrists touching, cup hands to make circle
V – with wrists touching, hold hands vertically forming a V
E – keep hands connected as they are for V, but turn horizontal. Curl fingers slightly for top and bottom of E and connect thumbs for middle of E
Finger actions: (using one hand only)
L – use pointer finger and thumb to make L
O – connect fingers and thumb to make circle
V – make peace sign
E – fully extend thumb, pointer finger and middle finger while tilting so that the thumb is on the bottom
7. Isn’t He Wonderful
Yet another well-loved classic, this catchy tune will stick in your head. Try singing it quiet or loud, while matching the size of your actions to the volume of your voice.
Isn’t He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful,
Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful.
Eyes have seen, ears have heard,
It’s recorded in God’s Word.
Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful.
He/Jesus my Lord – point up (or clap rhythm as in video)
Wonderful – move arms in large circle starting in middle
Eyes – point to eyes
Ears – point to ears
God’s Word – hold hands as book and open
I hope you enjoyed these additional Christian songs for preschoolers!