Getting ready by tying shoes behind title: "Steady Ready Stance"


How we stand is important. Nearly every sport has a specific ready stance – a way of standing that improves performance. Many other activities also benefit from having a steady stance. What about my walk with God? Am I standing in a steady ready stance?Boy in ready pose

Recently, as I watered the plants on my windowsills, I found myself thinking about stance. I have plants on four different windowsills in my house. As I watered them this time, I didn’t spill when watering the plants on three of the windows. On the fourth window, however, I accidentally poured some of the water onto the windowsill… again. As I wiped the spilled drops with a towel, I asked myself why it was that the plants on this particular windowsill seem to be the only ones that, when watering, I frequently spill.

The flower pots on the fourth window are identical to the flower pots on the other windows. Therefore, the type of flower pot couldn’t be the problem. I was using the same container to water them and the container was filled to a comparable level as when I watered the other plants. So what was the difference?

Then it dawned on me. My stance was different. The angle at which I approached the flower pots on the fourth window was different from the other three windows. I didn’t have a clear path to the fourth window, so my stance was unusual. My stance wasn’t steady. It forced my arm to a weird angle as I attempted to pour water into the pots.

Once I cleared the path to the windowsill, enabling a better stance, I had less problem with spilling as I watered.

This got me thinking about how important good stances are.

Growing up, I played ringette for many years. (If you don’t know what ringette is, picture ice hockey and you’ll be close.) Early on, they taught us the ready stance. The ready stance involved keeping knees bent and hands on the ringette stick poised for action.

(For those unfamiliar with this ready stance – often refered to as the “hockey stance” – here’s a quick video example.)


From this stance, it is easy to skate toward the action with a burst of speed. If, on the other hand, I were to stand tall and cross my arms while I waited for the action to start, I would be caught off balance. I would likely stumble and fall. Even if I didn’t fall, I would lose valuable seconds as my opponent got to the ring first. Elite ringette or hockey players will frequently be spotted in the ready stance.

Then I began playing goalie for my ringette team. Again there was a ready stance, but this one was different. The ready stance for goalies involves keeping the blade of the goalie stick flat on the ice, and their legs ready to go down in a butterfly at a moment’s notice. Despite the difference in this particular stance, the same principles apply. The goal of the ready stance is to be able to jump into action at the blink of an eye without being caught off balance or flat-footed.

Other activities also benefit from having a good stance.

When walking on ice, having a steady stance is important. Those experienced with walking in icy conditions learn tricks in how to move their feet and legs that help them stay upright. When climbing a ladder, using a good stance keeps the person from falling or toppling the ladder. When lifting a heavy box, using the right stance protects the person from back injuries.

Stance is important in many areas of life. Stance is also important in my walk with the Lord.

The Bible talks about a steady ready stance from which to approach life. This stance is especially helpful when life gets tricky.

What is that stance? Well, first off, much of the Bible is filled with instructions and examples of what my stance ought to be (or ought not to be). Therefore, if I want to understand the full picture of the stance God desires for me to have, I must be reading the Bible – the whole Bible – regularly.

However, to keep this post short, I will focus on two aspects of the Christian stance: faith and readiness.

2 Corinthians 5:7 reminds us that: “we walk by faith, not by sight.”

What is faith? Taking God at His Word. To walk in faith is to trust and obey God. Faith gives steadiness to our stance. (For examples of what faith looks like, read Hebrews 11.)

The second aspect of my stance ought to be a readiness.

“Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. However, do this with gentleness and respect, keeping your conscience clear…”  (1 Peter 3:15b-16a HCSB)

My stance is to be a ready stance – ready to explain what I believe.

What does this look like? Many examples exist in the book of Acts of godly individuals using the opportunities they had to share about Jesus.

Truth be told, my stance is not always one of readiness and faith. How can I change that? By being intentional to know God and His Word.

We are told that the Bible is “able to give you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”  (2 Timothy 3:15b-17 HCSB)

Keep in mind that the Christian stance is not just about head knowledge. The closer I am walking with God, living according to His Word, the more my stance will be one of faith and readiness.

So how is my stance doing? Have I stopped to consider it recently, or am I too caught up in the busyness of life? Am I off-balance and flat-footed? Or am I steady and ready for action, walking close with my Lord?

While I'm building my platform, God is building His own. Am I representing Jesus well? Read article at

Am I representing Jesus?

In case you don’t know, I’m an aspiring author. Currently, as of June 2019, I have not yet gotten a publishing contract for any of my books. I’ve been told it may take several years to get one’s first book traditionally published. While I wait, I’ll keep on writing. In the meantime, I am building my author platform.

What’s an author platform?

Essentially, an author platform is the author’s means of developing and connecting with a fan base. Picture it as their stage. The bigger the stage, the more people will hear what the author has to say. Having a large number of people cheering them on and eagerly awaiting their next book is evidence of a good author platform. The tools they use to build and sustain their platform can include email lists, websites, social media, and so much more.Building an author platform is like building a stage so that I can reach people. Read the article on

Building a platform is an important part of working towards becoming a published author. That’s why I created this website and began blogging – to build my author platform. It’s my prayer that you will be blessed by it along the way.

Building this website has been a big learning curve for me. It involved a lot of decisions. I had to choose which design, what colours, which style of font, what pictures to use, and the list goes on.

In all of these decisions, I had a goal. My goal was, and is, to gather and encourage a group of people who enjoy my writing and are excited to read the books I am in the process of making.

Building a Reputation

Another huge part of building an author platform is having a brand name and logo that people come to recognize as me. I hope you are starting to recognize mine.

S. J. Little - Author, Preschool Teacher, Blogger. Visit

Once I’ve got a name and logo nailed down, I begin to build a reputation. Through my writing, the quality of images I use, and the look of my website, I am building a reputation. Some websites instantly have you thinking modern and clean, others feel traditional and cozy. You may stumble across a blog that shares a delightful sense of humour. Unfortunately, there are also some sites which feel amateur and sloppy. The writing may be full of mistakes and the colours terribly clashing.

It is my aim to build a good reputation and one that will be reflected in the quality and nature of the books I write. (If you see something that isn’t working on my website, please let me know so I can improve it.)

God is Building His Platform

Being in the early stages of building my author platform, I was intrigued when I read 1 Peter 2:9 in my morning devotions recently.

All the while that I am working to build my platform, Someone else is working on His own platform, so to speak.

As a follower of Jesus, I am part of something bigger.

First, I am “a chosen people, … God’s special possession…” 1 Peter 2:9a NIV

Just as I have been intentional to choose this website and make it my own, God has chosen me and made me His own. Indeed, I have created this website, and how much more completely has God created me.

But why? My goal in creating my website is to form my author platform. What is God’s goal in creating and choosing me?

What’s the Goal?

The Bible tells us clearly.

“… chosen … that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:9b ESV

Other verses explain it further, such as 2 Corinthians 5:20 NKJV:

“Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. “

Did you catch that? We are to speak about God’s greatness and tell others about Him.

Indeed, as you read through the Bible you will find over and over again this idea that we, through our words and actions, are building a reputation for Jesus. We are to be telling others about God, even pleading with them on God’s behalf.

Further Parallels

I could go on in this allegory. I could mention how I have intentionally designed each page on my website for a specific purpose. For example, my Gospel page looks very different from my Christian Resources page. Likewise, God has designed each of us for a different role in the Body of Christ (Rom. 12, 1 Cor. 12). Or how I’ve laboured for hours to create this website, and will continue to improve it, just as God started this work in us and will complete it. (Phil. 1:6)

I will stop there and let you think of other parallels on your own.


How well am I representing Jesus through my daily life? Are my words and actions building a reputation that is honouring to Him?

As my grandpa once wrote on a picture of himself many years ago, we are “His to make Him known.”


(If you enjoy my writing and/or are looking forward to my books, please join my email list so I can inform you when I upload new posts and when I get published.)