Add A Little – 2 Year Old Curriculum – Unit 2

Let’s Wash

Developmental Focus: Social Skills / Basic Chores

Want to learn more? Check out the Add A Little 2Y Parent / Teacher Guide

Disclaimer: All activities require adult supervision and discretion. Read more…

Muscle Moving

Wall Wash

Large up and down arm motions strengthen core muscles that are a precursor to bring able to write well.


  • Clean sponges – one per child and one for you. Alternatively, use a baby wipe or clean cloth.
    (Do not give your child a Magic Eraser sponge as these contain many chemicals that should not be consumed.)

Time to Play:

  • Model how to pretend to clean the walls or an empty bookshelf using the clean sponge.
  • Invite your child to join in. Be encouraging and thank your child for helping clean.
  • (If using damp baby wipes, your child can truly help clean, but be sure they don’t try to clean surfaces that are sensitive to moisture.)

Brain Boosting

Dish Wash


  • One tub such as a plastic 15L container. A large bowl could work, but might tip over.
  • Water
  • Several small containers (such as clean yogurt containers) or bath toys to wash
  • A cloth or sponge to wash with
  • A water friendly area (Consider using a bathtub or doing this activity outside. Alternatively, place a large towel beneath the tub of water to catch spills.)
  • Optional: dish soap or bubble bath


  • Fill the tub with 3-5 inches (5-15 cm) of water.
  • Optional: Add a drop of dish soap or bubble bath for added bubbly fun
  • Place the cloth and containers in the tub
  • Place the tub in a water friendly area

Note: Adult Supervision Required – As with any activity involving water at this age, supervision is required due to risk of drowning.

Time to Play:

  • Invite your child to sit down and wash some dishes for you. If needed, join in the washing fun to set an example.
  • Expect your child and the surrounding area to get a bit wet. Don’t be anxious about this. It is part of the learning experience. If needed, help them change their clothes afterwards.
  • Thank your child for washing the dishes.

Let’s Sing

Top and Bottom

Let’s Read

Curious George: Wash Your Hands

Let’s Sing

Christian Song

Naaman Song

Let’s Read

Bible Story

2 Kings 5:1-15

Beginner’s Bible Chapter:
Naaman Is Healed
Page 230

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