I jerked awake when an emergency alert sounded from my phone.
Dazed, I reached for my phone as I glanced at the clock. Not yet 7 am.
What could require an emergency alert so early in the morning?
I squinted at my phone: “Critical water supply alert.”
Fully awake by now, I sat up to read the details.
A major water pipe break was affecting my city’s ability to provide water. The alert instructed everyone to cut back water use wherever possible.
Definitely an unexpected shock in a city where an abundance of clean drinking water is taken for granted. Our rivers never run dry. Yet suddenly our tap water was about to run out.
Over the following days, the city provided more specific instructions and information.
Outdoor water use was forbidden. Fines were issued. Voluntary indoor water use reduction was urged.
Don’t shower as often. Only run the dishwasher or laundry machine when it’s full. Use “grey water” to water plants. Don’t flush your toilet unless absolutely necessary.
We joined countless neighbours in turning the tap off while rubbing soap on our hands, and trying to use as little water as possible to boil pasta.
We were shaken by the realization that clean drinking water in our taps is a luxury, not guaranteed.
It became a common sight to see various bowls or plastic containers poised under drain spouts to catch rainwater for backyard gardens.
After several weeks, the pipe was repaired and life returned to normal, yet a question remained for me to ponder.
“What pipes do I rely on?”
Where do I find the umph to keep going? What do I turn to for happiness?
Pipes such as good health, friends, family, financial savings, a good job, or a pet, will eventually break, sometimes without warning.
What will I do then?
I am so thankful that I know of a pipe that will never break. It is the pipe that carries Living Water.
May Jesus be my source and my umph to keep going. He will never leave me nor forsake me. (Hebrews 13:5b-6)
Here’s a song that reminds me to ground my life in Jesus.
Build My Life by House Fires