Having cleared the breakfast dishes, I followed my little one to the living room. Pausing by the cabinet, I studied the to-do list.
I glanced at the date on the top. “Today is the day!”
I skimmed down one side of the list. It laid out all the things we had to do prior to today.
- Clear conditions – complete
- Choose insurance company – done
- Set up utilities – yup
The list went on. Everything was checked off.
The memory of late nights and earnest discussions filled my mind. We’d asked so many questions and done so much research.
Now it was done.
Today is the day.
I glanced at the clock. The hour wasn’t here yet. I still had to wait until the time for the key handover. Then the new house would be ours.
I scanned the other side of the list. Everything we needed to do after we received the keys.
- Set up internet
- Update the address on our driver’s licences
- Figure out where the mailbox is
- Move in
My mind raced forward as I glanced around the living room. Already we had packed several boxes, thanks in large part to my mom’s help. Still, there was so much more to pack!
“Mama, play with me.”
My little one’s voice interrupted my musings as she tugged on my leg.
“Okay, I can play for a few minutes.”
We settled down to build with blocks.
Later, when Easter was on my mind (it was coming soon), I found myself marvelling at God’s perfect orchestration of it.
The day Jesus died on the cross was the day He paid the price for all my sin. It was The Day. Yet throughout the Bible we see decades of prep God did to bring all of history to that point.
God’s to do list involved cultivating the nation of Israel and sending prophets – so very many prophets.
To the people of Israel He gave traditions, such as the Passover, which so beautifully point to Jesus’ death on the cross.
Through the prophets, God hinted again and again at Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection.
Then, so many, many years later, Jesus was born. The appointed day was drawing near.
Finally it came. Jesus endured the cross for my sake. He died that I may truly live.
But God wasn’t finished yet.
Three days later, Jesus rose again – evidence of His victory over death itself.
Now, just like after we got possession of our new house, God is still at work.
Even today, He has purposes in mind and is actively working toward the day Jesus returns.
He is drawing people to Himself and stirring many hearts around the world. He is transforming people’s lives and bringing hope to the hopeless.
Am I a part of this? Have I willingly offered my life to the Lord that He may work His purposes through me?
Or am I too caught up in my own life?
As I celebrate Easter this year, may I marvel at the beauty and perfection of what He has done and may I join with Him in what He is doing today.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV)