Rising from breakfast, I glanced at the small pile of dishes. I should wash them without delay because it might be today.
I reach for the measuring cup I use to water the houseplants. As I give each plant a drink I wonder, “Is this the last time before it happens?” Just in case, I give them extra.
As I hug my husband and tell him to have a good day at work, I remind him that it could be his last for a while because it might be today.
What might be today?
My baby might be born. Being past the due date now, I’m watching and hoping for signs that she might be coming.
In the meantime, we’re doing our best to keep everything ready.
We keep the dishes clean and the pantry stocked. We’ve already set out extra water for the cat and are at the ready to give her enough food to last longer.
The car seat is sitting by the door and the hospital bag is packed.
My husband’s co-workers have been informed and the truck has gas. We’ve even practiced driving to the hospital to be sure we know where to go.
Now we wait.
Will she come today? I don’t know, but I hope so.
Why do I share these thoughts? Because my baby is not the only one who might be coming today.
Jesus has told us that He is coming again. He might come today, or call me home.
Am I ready?
Is my heart prepared for His return?
Have I done the dishes and packed the hospital bag? Or have I let the dirty dishes pile into an unsightly heap?
Am I living as if this life is all there is or am I prepared for eternity?
In Matthew 24, Jesus is very clear. He is returning one day, but no one knows what day it will be. We must be ready for Him at any moment.
“This is why you are also to be ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Matthew 24:44 CSB)
Likewise, I know my baby is coming, but I don’t know which day. Therefore, I must be prepared for her arrival at any moment.
There is a song that’s been on my mind as I think about Jesus’ near return. It reminds us that:
“It might be today I look into Your eyes. It might be today I see Your face…” (https://www.worshipsong.com/music/songs/songdetails/it-might-be-today)
Am I ready for His return?
Jesus asks, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8b CSB)
Oh, that He would find faith in me and find me ready on the day He returns or calls me home.